.. _zuul-user: Zuul user documentation ======================= .. note:: This is a lightweight documentation intended to get users started with setting up CI pipelines and jobs. For more insight on what Zuul can do, please refer to its `upstream documentation`_ and `migration documentation`_. .. _`upstream documentation`: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/user/ .. _`migration documentation`: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/zuulv3.html Zuul is a *commit gating system* for continuous integration that ensures that repositories are always in a healthy state. It is up to repositories managers to define what constitutes a healthy state: for example passing all unit tests, success in building software, etc. Software Factory ships with Zuul version 3, which is a major rewrite of Zuul with many improvements. Some of the major changes reflected in Software Factory are: * In Zuul's terminology, a **project** is a gated repository * Jobs can inherit from the **zuul-jobs** repository base jobs. * Pipelines and jobs are stored in repositories. * Github was added as a possible repository source for gating projects, enabling Software Factory to act as a third party CI for repositories hosted on Github. .. _zuul-main-yaml: Adding a project to the zuul service ------------------------------------ .. note:: Software Factory 3.1 enables automatic generation of the Zuul tenant configuration from the config repository resources description. The definition, below, is then no longer needed, see the :ref:`Zuul tenants from resources` section for more details. Note that Zuul's tenants definition file, like below, take precedence over the auto generated. A project file must be submitted to the **config** repository, under the **zuul** directory. For example, config/zuul/project-name.yaml can contain the following: .. code-block:: yaml - tenant: name: local source: source-name: untrusted-projects: - project-name * Leave the tenant name to *local*. * Replace source-name by the location of the repository: for example, **gerrit** for Software Factory's internal gerrit. Other source names, if available, will depend on Software Factory's configuration. * Replace project-name by the repository's name. .. tip:: **Why is my project "untrusted" ?** For each source, Zuul defines two categories of projects: * Projects listed under `config-projects`_ hold configuration parameters for Zuul, for example pipelines or base jobs definitions, or secrets used by these jobs. * Projects listed under `untrusted-projects`_ are the actual repositories for the software being tested or deployed. Zuul runs jobs for these projects in a restricted environment. Everything the "config-projects" do is already taken care of by Software Factory in its **config** and **zuul-jobs** repositories, meaning you should not have to add any repository under this category. Therefore repositories should always be declared under the "untrusted-projects" category. .. _`config-projects`: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/admin/tenants.html#attr-tenant.config-projects .. _`untrusted-projects`: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/admin/tenants.html#attr-tenant.untrusted-projects After merging this change, the config-update job will reload the zuul scheduler. Adding a predefined job to a project ------------------------------------ A project's CI configuration is happening in repositories, a project can define jobs and pipelines contents by having a file named *.zuul.yaml* at the root of the project's repository: .. code-block:: yaml --- - project: name: project-name check: jobs: - linters gate: jobs: - linters * **name** is the name of the project, same as the one defined in Zuul's configuration file earlier * **check**, **gate** are pipelines defined in Software Factory. A default deployment of Software Factory comes with the following base jobs: ============= ============================================================= Name Description ============= ============================================================= **linters** Run the bashate, flake8 and yaml linters on relevant files **tox** Run tox **tox-py27** Run tox -epy27 ============= ============================================================= Software Factory can be configured to import the **openstack-infra/zuul-jobs** jobs library; ask your instance operator if this is the case. A list of the jobs in this library can be found here_. .. _here: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul-jobs/jobs.html A full list of all the jobs that have been built at least once on Software Factory can be accessed at https:///zuul/local/jobs.html. Defining a custom job within a project -------------------------------------- It is possible to define jobs specific to a project within its repository. This is done in the *.zuul.yaml* file at the root of the repository. Jobs are based on Ansible playbooks. For example, the following .zuul.yaml file will define a job called **unit-tests** to be run in the **check** pipeline along the linters: .. code-block:: yaml --- - job: name: unit-tests parent: base description: this is running the unit tests for this project run: playbooks/unittests.yaml nodeset: nodes: - name: test-node label: dib-centos-7 - project: name: project-name check: jobs: - unit-tests - linters * setting **parent: base** allows this job to inherit from the default *pre* and *post* playbooks which are run before and after the custom job's playbook. These playbooks prepare the work environment and automatically publish artifacts and logs on Software Factory's log server, so while not mandatory, it is advised to add this setting to make use of Software Factory's integrations. * **nodeset** defines the nodes that will be spawned to build the job. *Label* refers to nodepool label definitions, see the :ref:`nodepool documentation ` for further details. *Name* is the name of the node as it will appear in the job's playbook inventory. The previous example expects the Ansible playbook "playbooks/unittests.yaml" to be present in the project's repository. Here is an example of what this playbook could contain: .. code-block:: yaml --- - hosts: test-node tasks: - name: install tox package yum: name: python-tox state: present become: yes - name: run unit tests command: tox args: chdir: "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/tests" Further documentation can be found online: * Ansible playbooks_, modules_ documentation * `Predefined variables available in jobs`_ .. _playbooks: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbooks.html .. _modules: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules_by_category.html .. _`Predefined variables available in jobs`: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/user/jobs.html#variables .. _zuul-artifacts-export: Export logs artifacts to the logserver -------------------------------------- After a job ran, Software Factory exports the job's *console* log to the internal log server. When a job generate extra artifacts, such as log files, a *post-run* playbook can be written to export the artifacts to *zuul.executor.log_root*. Then Software Factory base job's *post-run* will push these artifacts to the internal log server. An example of a *fetch-logs.yaml* playbook. .. code-block:: yaml --- - hosts: all tasks: - name: Upload logs synchronize: src: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/logs' dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}' mode: pull copy_links: true verify_host: true rsync_opts: - --include=/logs/** - --include=*/ - --exclude=* - --prune-empty-dirs A job can use that playbook as *post-run* then each files in the *zuul.project.src_dir/logs/* will be exported to the log server. .. code-block:: yaml --- - job: name: build parent: base description: My job run: playbooks/run.yaml post-run: playbooks/fetch-logs.yaml .. _zuul-artifacts-export-logstash: Export logs artifacts to logstash --------------------------------- A job can be configured to export specific artifacts to logstash to make them available to the search via Kibana. The ELK stack must be activated on the Software Factory instance. The job variable *logstash_processor_config* need to be provided as follow: .. code-block:: yaml --- - job: name: build parent: base description: My job run: playbooks/run.yaml post-run: - playbooks/fetch-logs.yaml vars: logstash_processor_config: files: - name: logs/.*\.log - name: job-output\.txt tags: - console - console.html With this definition, zuul will export all the generated artifacts located in the *logs/* directory to logstash. The *logstash_processor_config* variable definition overwrites the one from the Software Factory base job, that's why, the *job-output.log* (console) must specified too. Create a secret to be used in jobs ---------------------------------- Zuul provides a public key for every project. This key needs to be used to encrypt secret data. To fetch a project's public key: .. code-block:: bash curl -O https:///zuul/api/tenant//key/.pub The *tools/encrypt_secret.py* tool, from the Zuul repository, can be used to create the YAML tree to be pushed in the project *.zuul.d/* directory. .. code-block:: bash ./encrypt_secret.py --tenant --infile secret.data --outfile secret.yaml https:///zuul/ Then ** and ** fields that are placeholders must be replaced in the generated *secret.yaml* file. A secret used in a job must be defined in the same project than the job is defined. The user should read carefully the section_ about secrets. .. _section: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/user/config.html?highlight=secret#secret Web Interface ------------- Zuul comes with the following web interface: Status ...... Zuul's status can be reached at https:///zuul/t/local/status.html This page shows the current buildsets in Zuul's pipelines. Filtering options are available. Each buildset can be expanded to show the advancement of its builds. Clicking on a build will open a stream of its logs in real time. Jobs .... Zuul's Jobs dashboard can be reached at https:///t/zuul/local/jobs.html This page lists all the jobs that have been built at least once by Zuul. Filtering options are available. Builds ...... Zuul's Builds dashboard can be reached at https:///t/zuul/local/builds.html This page lists all the builds and build sets that have completed. Filtering options are available. .. _zuul-github-app-user: Install a GitHub App -------------------- After a GitHub Application is created and configured in Software Factory (see this :ref:`guide `), to add the application to your projects, follow this `documentation `_: * Visit the application page, e.g.: https://github.com/apps/my-org-zuul * Click "Install or Configure" * Select your GitHub organisation * Select the repositories to install the application on * Click "Install" Then you'll be redirected to the Setup URL with the instruction to finish the configuration, checkout the :ref:`Zuul user documentation `: * Update the config repository to add the projects to the zuul main.yaml file. * Create a Pull Request to add a .zuul.yaml to your project and verify it works. .. _manual: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/admin/drivers/github.html .. _zuul-github-branch-protection: Configure branch protection --------------------------- After the GitHub Application is installed, you must configure branch protection to enforce proper Zuul gating: * Visit the project setting page, e.g.: https://github.com///settings/branches * Click "Edit" for the branches to protect, and enable these options: * "Protect this branch" * "Require pull request reviews before merging" * "Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed" * "Require review from Code Owners" * "Require status checks to pass before merging" * "local/check" status (this may need a initial PR to be created first) Then in the zuul tenant config, activate "exclude-unprotected-branches: true" in the tenant configuration. Alternatively, since Software Factory 3.1, Github projects can be configured via the resources engine. See this :ref:`section `).