.. _inspect_with_ara: Using ARA to inspect SF playbooks runs -------------------------------------- Installation ............ ARA provides a web interface to inspect Ansible playbook runs like the health-check tests. Using it during development is a good idea. Here are the steps to install it: .. code-block:: bash sudo yum install https://softwarefactory-project.io/repos/sf-release-2.6.rpm sudo yum install ara sudo yum remove sf-release-2.6.0 If you already installed the sf-release package (will be the case if sf-ci *run_tests.sh* script ran before) then you might need to run *yum downgrade* instead. Prepare the environment variables for ARA ......................................... The *run_tests.sh* script handles that for you but in case you want to run commands directly without this script, you must export the following variables to configure ARA callbacks in Ansible: .. code-block:: bash export ara_location=$(python -c "import os,ara; print(os.path.dirname(ara.__file__))") export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS=$ara_location/plugins/callbacks export ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS=$ara_location/plugins/actions export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=$ara_location/plugins/modules User Interface .............. .. code-block:: bash ara-manage runserver -h -p 55666 Then connect to http://sftests.com:55666