.. _resources-user: Managing resources via the config repository ============================================ Software Factory manages user groups, git repositories, Gerrit ACLs, and projects via the **config** repository. The config repository has its own CI and CD pipelines, automatically set up on Software Factory. .. note:: Project, repository and ACL management across all services is only supported on Gerrit and Storyboard. Advantages of managing resources via the config repository ---------------------------------------------------------- Resources are described using a strict YAML format that will reflect the current state of the resources on the services. For instance a group described in YAML will be created and provisioned with the specified users on Gerrit. Any modification on the group will be reflected on Gerrit. So looking at the YAML files you'll see the real state of Software Factory services like Gerrit. Furthermore using this config repository leverages the review workflow through Gerrit so that any modification on a resource requires a human review before being applied to the services. Finally all modifications can be tracked and audited through the repository's version history. A Software Factory operator will just need to approve a resource change and let the **config-update** job apply the changes on the services. How it works ------------ The config repository is populated by default with a **resources** directory. All YAML files under that directory that follow the expected format are loaded and taken into account. For example the following YAML file describes a group called *mygroup*: .. code-block:: yaml resources: groups: mygroup: members: - me@domain.com - you@domain.com description: This is the group mygroup This file must be named with the extension .yml or .yaml under the resources directory of the config repository. Once done: * The default *config-check* job will be run and validate this new resource. * The CI will assign a score to the *Verified* label. * Everyone with access to the platform can comment and vote. * Privileged users can approve the change. * Once approved and merged, the *config-update* job will take care of creating the group on services like Gerrit. .. _project-example: A more complete example ----------------------- Below is a YAML file that can be used as a starting point: .. code-block:: yaml resources: projects: ichiban-cloud: tenant: local description: The best cloud platform engine contacts: - contacts@ichiban-cloud.io source-repositories: - ichiban-config: zuul/config-project: True - ichiban-compute - ichiban-storage website: http://ichiban-cloud.io documentation: http://ichiban-cloud.io/docs issue-tracker-url: http://ichiban-cloud.bugtrackers.io repos: ichiban-config: description: The config project of ichiban-cloud acl: ichiban-dev-acl ichiban-compute: description: The compute manager of ichiban-cloud acl: ichiban-dev-acl ichiban-storage: description: The storage manager of ichiban-cloud acl: ichiban-dev-acl acls: ichiban-dev-acl: file: | [access "refs/*"] read = group ichiban-core owner = group ichiban-ptl [access "refs/heads/*"] label-Code-Review = -2..+2 group ichiban-core label-Code-Review = -2..+2 group ichiban-ptl label-Verified = -2..+2 group ichiban-ptl label-Workflow = -1..+1 group ichiban-core label-Workflow = -1..+1 group ichiban-ptl label-Workflow = -1..+0 group Registered Users submit = group ichiban-ptl read = group ichiban-core read = group Registered Users [access "refs/meta/config"] read = group ichiban-core read = group Registered Users [receive] requireChangeId = true [submit] mergeContent = false action = fast forward only groups: - ichiban-ptl - ichiban-core groups: ichiban-ptl: members: - john@ichiban-cloud.io - randal@ichiban-cloud.io description: Project Techincal Leaders of ichiban-cloud ichiban-core: members: - eva@ichiban-cloud.io - marco@ichiban-cloud.io description: Project Core of ichiban-cloud .. Note:: Users mentioned in a group must have been logged at least once on Software Factory. Refer to the `resources schema documentation `_ for more information about resources definition. Deleting a resource is as simple as removing it from the resources YAML files. Updating a resource is as simple as updating it in the resources YAML files. Keys under each resources' groups are used to create and reference (as unique id) real resources into services. So if you want to rename a resource you will see that the resource is detected as "Deleted" and a new one will be detected as "Created". If you intend to do that with a repository resource then you have to make sure you have fetched locally your git repository's branches because the git repository is going to be deleted on Software Factory and created under the new name. Resource deletion ----------------- When modifications to the resources tree include the deletion of a resource, the verification job "config-check" will return a failure if the commit message of the change does not include the string "sf-resources: allow-delete". This can be seen as a confirmation from the change's author to be sure the the deletion of some resources is actually intended. .. _zuul-resources-integration: Integration with Zuul --------------------- Zuul requires a tenants configuration file to be aware of the repositories it needs to watch for events. Software Factory can generate the tenant configuration from the resources. By default, the *source-repositories* attached to a project, like below, are added automatically to Zuul as *untrusted-projects*: .. code-block:: yaml resources: projects: ichiban-cloud: tenant: local description: The best cloud platform engine source-repositories: - ichiban-compute - ichiban-storage repos: ichiban-compute: description: The compute manager of ichiban-cloud acl: ichiban-dev-acl ichiban-storage: description: The storage manager of ichiban-cloud acl: ichiban-dev-acl To define a specific configuration for a repository (a project in the Zuul terminology), for instance, a *source-repositorie* can be defined as a *config-project*: .. code-block:: yaml source-repositories: - ichiban-config: zuul/config-project: True - ichiban-compute - ichiban-storage Other zuul configuration options can be added using the *zuul/* prefix: .. code-block:: yaml source-repositories: - ichiban-config: zuul/include: - job zuul/shadow: common-config All repositories are attached to Zuul ..................................... Repositories that are not attached to a project's source-repository list are automatically added to the Zuul configuration using the *include: []* option to make Zuul ignore the in-repo configuration. This steps is referred to as adding the "missing resources". To exclude a *source-repository* from Zuul configuration: .. code-block:: yaml source-repositories: - ichiban-compute: zuul/ignore: True .. _zuul-github-resources: Define a github project in the resources ---------------------------------------- .. code-block:: yaml resources: projects: repopo: description: "The repopo project" connection: github.com source-repositories: - org/repopo1: zuul/exclude-unprotected-branches: true