The last month we have been developping a new tool to help us operate Zuul, and today we are happy to announce the first release of the project.
- Demo deployment,
- Source code software-factory/zuul-weeder.
Overview and scope
Zuul Weeder analyzes the configuration objects such as jobs and nodesets and provides a search interface for:
- Depencencies: what depends on an object.
- Requirements: what is needed by an object.
- URL of the configuration files that contains the object.
The goal is to help evaluate the impact of a configuration change. Zuul Weeder leverage a generic dependency graph using the data found in the ZooKeeper database to collect every configuration elements used by any tenants. For example, when removing a node label or a repository.
The service provide two functions:
- /search/$name returns the list of object matching the requested name.
- /object/$type/$name returns - the list of configuration file url that directly defines or uses the object, - the list of related objects that are reachable, either by requirement or by dependency.
For example, by visiting /search/centos, the service returns:
- job tripleo-centos
- nodeset centos
- label cloud-centos

And by visiting /object/nodeset/centos, the service returns:
- The list of zuul.yaml file url that contains a nodeset named centos.
- The list of jobs and project that depends on this nodeset.
- The list of node label name that is required by this nodeset.
The results can be scoped to a specific tenant by using the /tenant/$tenant url prefix.