Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.


Software Factory

  • We started working on upgrading gerrit to version 3.4
  • We published managesf on pypi for nodepool-ubi containers. We have also to publish python-sfmanager but it fails right now
  • We are working to avoid to use update-ca-trust on zuul containers but instead use the bundle.crt from the host <- is that the same as the CA pb encountered on gerrit containers ? (yes, it's to prepare that)
  • We are implementing support of keycloak in config-update, so that groups are synchronized with the resources in the config repo - maybe demo
  • We move logstash and curator from package base deployment to containers
  • We almost finish moving Opendistro (kibana, elasticsearch) to opensearch and opensearch dashboards base on the container service
  • We create a python-builder container image, but after discussion we should create service container image simplier