This article introduces a new role named ci-tracer which leverages BPF technology to profile Zuul CI jobs and gain new insights over builds' performance.
The Extended Berkeley Packet Filter
The BPF virtual machine is a general purpose RISC instruction set that can interpret custom programs which are loaded from the user space. While it was originally designed for network packet processing, the Linux kernel implements an extended version, named eBPF, that can be used to safely attach programs to various tracepoints and inspect kernel data structures. If you are running a modern Linux system, chances are you already use BPF programs:
# List running BPF programs
$ sudo ls -l /proc/*/fd | grep bpf
For the purpose of this article we are only going to use the TRACEPOINT and KPROBE types of programs. Other types of programs are currently being used for all sorts of things, such as, the new CgroupV2 which implements an eBPF based device controller.
While the BPF bytecode can be written by hand and loaded manually, we are going to use the BCC toolkit to implement the ci-tracer role.
BCC: BPF Compiler And Python Frontend
The BCC project provides an easy to use toolkit to load BPF programs using Python and a C wrapper around LLVM. It comes with ready-to-use examples to get started, for example, cpudist can show the cpu time distribution of every processes running on a system:
$ sudo /usr/share/bcc/tools/cpudist -P 5
Tracing on-CPU time... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
pid = 271090 emacs
usecs : count distribution
0 -> 1 : 0 | |
2 -> 3 : 0 | |
4 -> 7 : 0 | |
8 -> 15 : 0 | |
16 -> 31 : 1 |******************** |
32 -> 63 : 0 | |
64 -> 127 : 2 |****************************************|
128 -> 255 : 2 |****************************************|
256 -> 511 : 1 |******************** |
512 -> 1023 : 0 | |
This cpudist tool works by attaching a kprobe program to the finish_task_switch function that gets evaluated each time the kernel switches tasks on a CPU. The BPF program does the following:
- Record the start time of the next task.
- If it knows when the previous task started, it records how long the task spent on CPU.
The Python code only prints the recorded value periodically.
This is a very efficient process, as the intensive work is running inside the BPF virtual machine which can interpret the program frequently with minimal overhead. Indeed such a low-level finish_task_switch kprobe can be triggered millions of times per second on a busy system.
The ci-tracer implements a custom BPF program to collect fine grained information from Zuul CI builds.
Introducing ci-tracer
A Zuul CI build is composed of Ansible tasks that execute processes on ephemeral test instances. The ci-tracer is designed to load a custom BPF program in the test instance to gather information about the processes. This initial implementation collects on-CPU times which this article will discuss further in the conclusion.
The implementation is composed of two components:
Let's look at the BPF Program.
The BPF Program
From the kernel point of view, the unit of computing is a task that is represented by a task_struct. A task (also called thread) is assigned an identifier named pid and multiple tasks can be grouped by a tgid. Note that this differs from the user point of view where a pid is actually a tgid... This is confusing when going back and forth between userland and kernelland, thus we will name:
- A process is an userland pid, kernelland tgid.
- A task (or thread) is an userland tid, kernelland pid.
This initial implementation doesn't collect individual task. Instead the measurements are grouped by tgid.
On-CPU Measure
Two data structures are used to measure the time each process spent on-cpu:
// Internal data to record next task start time
BPF_HASH(start_time, u32, u64, PID_MAX);
// Shared data of tgid and oncpu time
BPF_HASH(oncpus, u32, u64, PID_MAX);
Then the finish_task_switch probe does the following:
int finish_task_switch(struct pt_regs *ctx, struct task_struct *prev)
// At this time, prev is not running, next is going to be scheduled
u64 cur_time = bpf_ktime_get_ns();
u32 pid = prev->pid;
u32 tgid = prev->tgid;
if (tgid) {
u64 *prev_time = start_time.lookup(&pid);
if (prev_time != NULL) {
// Previous task start time was recorded, compute the time it spent oncpu
u64 delta = (cur_time - *prev_time);
if (delta > 0 && delta < INTERVAL_NS) {
// Per tgid cpu info
u64 *oncpu = oncpus.lookup(&tgid);
if (oncpu != NULL) {
delta += *oncpu;
// Record time per task group
oncpus.update(&tgid, &delta);
// Record the start time of the next task
u32 next_pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() & 0xffffffff;
cur_time = bpf_ktime_get_ns();
start_time.update(&next_pid, &cur_time);
return 0;
This program updates the oncpus hash table with the processes (userland pid) as key and the cpu times in nanoseconds as value.
By the time the Python service reads the oncpus hash table, the process may have died. Thus, we use another probe to record the processes information.
Execution Event
As demonstrated by the BCC execsnoop tool, we can get new processes information, with a perf channel:
// The exec perf channel
// The type of event sent back to userland
enum execs_perf_type {
// The event structure
struct exec_info_t {
enum execs_perf_type type;
u32 pid;
u32 ppid;
u32 cgroup;
char arg[ARGSIZE];
Then we attach multiple probes and tracepoints on the different process lifecycle steps:
- KPROBE on the clone syscall: when a thread is created (unused at the moment).
- TRACEPOINT_PROBE(sched, sched_process_fork): when a process forks.
- KPROBE on the execve syscall: when a process executes a command.
- KPROBE on the execve ret syscall: when a process succeeds in executing a command.
- TRACEPOINT_PROBE(sched, sched_process_exit): when a process exits.
Each probe can send process information through the execs perf channel created earlier, for example, when a process forks:
TRACEPOINT_PROBE(sched, sched_process_fork)
struct exec_info_t inf = {};
inf.type = EVENT_TYPE_FORK; = args->child_pid;
inf.ppid = args->parent_pid;
inf.cgroup = bpf_get_current_cgroup_id() & 0xffffffff;
execs.perf_submit(args, &inf, sizeof(inf));
return 0;
Check out the agent.c source code to see how the other execve probes are implemented.
The ci-tracer BPF program collects process lifecycle events and the time they spend on-cpu. Next let's look at the Python service.
The Python Service
The purpose of the Python service is to process the information collected by the BPF program. It is composed of two parts:
- a callback for the execs perf event, and
- a main loop to read the oncpus measures.
Its goal is to serialize the measurements so that they can be analyzed after the build is completed.
BPF To Userland
The callback is executed each time an execs perf event occurs, and it keeps track of the processes information in a dictionary like so:
# Cache pid info
pids: Dict[int, Process] = {}
def handle_exec_event(event):
"""Process execs perf event"""
if event.type == EventType.FORK:
# Copy the parent process info
parent = pids[event.ppid]
pid = Process(, event.ppid, parent.cid, parent.argv)
pid.start = int(monotonic() - start_time)
pids[] = pid
except KeyError:
# Sometime pids are unknown when process clone or events are out of order.
# It's ok, we only care about pids that successfully execve.
# warn(f"Unknown {} {event.ppid} for {event.type} ({event.arg})")
bpf.attach_kprobe(event=bpf.get_syscall_fnname("execve"), fn_name="syscall__execve")
bpf.attach_kretprobe(event=bpf.get_syscall_fnname("execve"), fn_name="do_ret_sys_execve")
bpf["execs"].open_perf_buffer(lambda c, d, s: handle_exec_event(bpf["execs"].event(d)))
Then main loop is in charge of collecting the oncpus measures and it generates the report periodically:
def collect_cpu(oncpus: Dict[Perf, Perf]) -> None:
"""Periodically dump the oncpus content"""
cpu_start = monotonic()
interval_sec = args.interval / 1000
while running:
# Clock based sleep to take into account the serialization time below
clock_time = interval_sec - (monotonic() - cpu_start)
if clock_time > 0:
cpu_start = monotonic()
buffer: List[Tuple[int, float]] = []
# Fast loop to extract oncpus measures
for k, v in oncpus.items():
ts: float = v.value / 1e6
if args.min_cpu and ts < args.min_cpu:
pid: int = k.value
if pid not in pids:
# Skip unknown pids
buffer.append((pid, ts))
# Serialize events
relnow = cpu_start - start_time
tl = ['{"ts": %.2f},' % relnow]
for pid, ts in buffer:
inf = pids[pid]
if inf.start == -1 or (relnow - inf.start) < .5:
# Process started less than .5 second ago
if pid not in pids_serialized:
# Put the pid informations in the report
tl.append('{"cpu": %d, "v": %.3f},' % (pid, ts))
print("".join(tl), file=output)
bpf.attach_kprobe(event="finish_task_switch", fn_name="finish_task_switch")
The goal is to prevent overwhelming the report and have a low signal-to-noise ratio while achieving a minimal overhead.
The Report Format
The service produces a stream of JSON objects:
- When a new process is measured, its information such as start time, command line arguments, cgroups, and parents are serialized like so:
{"cgr": 2624, "v": "user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-55.scope"},
{"pid": 5144, "ppid": 5105, "t": 110, "cg": 2624, "v": ["/bin/sh", "-c", "/usr/bin/python3 && sleep 0"]},
{"pid": 5173, "ppid": 5144, "t": 110, "cg": 2624, "v": ["/usr/bin/python3"]},
{"pid": 5278, "ppid": 5173, "t": 110, "cg": 2624, "v": ["/usr/bin/tox", "-e", "py37"]},
- Then periodically, the oncpus measures are dumped like so:
{"ts": 111.16}, {"cpu": 5173, "v": 41.357}, {"cpu": 5278, "v": 169.483}
To save space, all the timestamps are relative to the start time and the measures are in milliseconds. With such reports, we can now build a visualization:
The Data Driven Document (D3js) Report
The current report interface looks like this:
The time serie data points are grouped into a list of processes sorted by total CPU time and represented as a heatmap. The D3js library provides an efficient framework to render large datasets as it lets us display each data point without normalizing the data:
// dates is a list of Date object created for each "ts" event
const y = d3.scaleBand().range([0, height]).domain( => (,
x = d3.scaleUtc().range([0, width]).domain([startDate, endDate]),
/* axis labels, notes, ... */
// Each row is a group
const row = svg.selectAll('.row')
.attr('class', 'row')
// Each cpu_event result in a new cell
const cell = row.selectAll('.cell')
.data(d => => ({
y:, x: dates[e[0]], v: e[1]
.attr('class', 'cell')
// Redraw sets objects coordinates
function redraw () {
const domain = x.domain(),
bw = width / ((domain[1] - domain[0]) / 1000)
.attr('x', d => x(d.x) + 1)
.attr('y', d => y(d.y))
.attr('width', bw - 1)
.attr('height', rowHeight - 1)
.attr('fill', d => myColor(d.v / 1000))
Thanks to the scaleUtc object it is easy to annotate the map with the Ansible task timestamps and zoom in at particular areas of interest. Check out the code in the web directory.
Another interesting visualization is the sunburst where pid hierarchy are displayed on a circle:
This report is from a DLRN rpm build job and it has been produced using this review (in the job result click the CiTracer report link).
Using eBPF programs to profile CI jobs let us efficiently compile large amount of data to gain new perspective on builds' performance. While this initial version only collects on-CPU times, it accounts for less than 0.1% of the total job load and it produces about 100KB of data per minute when sampling every seconds.
However this work is still in early development and the following are priorities:
- Better heatmap interface with cgroup navigation.
- Add more kprobes or task_struct data to measure:
- Block devince IO,
- Network traffic,
- Memory pressure,
- Syscalls count, ...
- Update the heatmap to split the cell for each type of measurements.
- Improve Ansible task process collection to get the actual module name.
If you would like to give this a try or get involved, please reach out by mail or on the #softwarefactory and #zuul Freenode channels.