
Zuul is a very versatile tool for Continuous Integration. When used as part of a Software Factory deployment, it is configured by default to gate new commits to the integrated (but optional) Gerrit instance, however it can be configured to do much more than that.

In this post, we will describe how we have configured Zuul to test changes to a project hosted on GitHub.

What we wanted to achieve

The ceph-ansible project provides a set of Ansible playbooks for Ceph, the distributed filesystem. These playbooks are used by a number of projects, including TripleO, an OpenStack project aimed at installing, upgrading and operating OpenStack clouds.

The ceph-ansible project is hosted on GitHub, and manages development using pull requests. However, we wanted to make sure that new commits to the project would not break TripleO deployments. Thus, we needed a way to test incoming pull requests and check that TripleO would still work with this to-be-merged change.

This is where Zuul comes to play. We can configure the Zuul deployment at so it listens to new pull requests created at GitHub, and runs CI jobs that are already defined there to make sure everything is still working as expected with TripleO. Finally, Zuul will report the result in the pull request itself.


These are the steps we followed to set up the integration.

Create the connection in Software Factory

From an already setup Software Factory installation, you will need to follow the steps from this guide to configure a GitHub connection named This connection will allow Zuul to listen to events from GitHub-hosted repositories.

Create the Zuul configuration for the GitHub project

The second step is to add the ceph-ansible repository to the list of repos handled by Zuul. We did this by adding the following lines to our zuul/rdo.yaml file from the config repo.
    # Don't load any in-repo configuration from these projects
  - include: []
    - ceph/ceph-ansible

We are using the previously created connection, and including ceph/ceph-ansible in the Zuul configuration.

Note that, while Zuul could import extra configuration from the project (like additional Zuul pipelines and jobs), we are going to define the configuration in the global RDO Zuul configuration.

Install the Software Factory GitHub application on the ceph-ansible repo

This step has to be applied on the GitHub repo configuration, to provide Zuul with credentials to interact with the repository. To do so, we followed the steps from the Software Factory documentation.

Configure a Zuul pipeline and a base no-op job

With the previous configuration in place, we are ready to start receiving information from GitHub pull requests and react to them. For simplicity, we created a unique Zuul pipeline to handle GitHub-related jobs. We created the following configuration at zuul.d/github.yaml:

- pipeline:
    name: github-check
    description: |
      Newly uploaded patchsets on GitHub enter this pipeline to receive an
      initial +/-1 Verified vote.
    success-message: Build succeeded (check pipeline).
    failure-message: Build failed (check pipeline).
    manager: independent
        open: True
        current-patchset: True
# NOTE(jpena): while the pipeline and jobs are being developed, we only trigger jobs via a keyword
#        - event: pull_request
#          action:
#            - opened
#            - changed
#            - reopened
        - event: pull_request
          action: comment
          comment: (?i)^\s*(recheck|check-rdo)\s*$
        status: 'pending'
        status-url: ""
        comment: false
        status: 'success'
        status: 'failure'

We configured the pipeline to react to new pull requests on the connection and provide a 'success' or 'failure' message depending on the job outcome. During the testing phase, we do not want Zuul to send messages to every pull request with (potentially) meaningless information, so we configured the pipeline to only trigger jobs when a special keyword was added as a comment. In this case, it was either recheck or check-rdo.

Additionally, we configured a basic, no-op job to test that our configuration was correct. We did so by adding the following to the zuul.d/projects.yaml file:

- project:
    name: ceph/ceph-ansible
        - noop

We are using the previously defined github-check pipeline, and assigning the special noop job.

Create jobs, manage branch differences between GitHub and Software Factory

Once the basic integration was tested, we moved on to create some more real jobs. We found a potential issue related to the different branches used by the ceph-ansible project and TripleO.

  • The ceph-ansible project has stable-* branches for each release, such as stable-3.2, stable-3.1, etc.
  • TripleO, like most OpenStack project, had stable branches using code names, such as stable/rocky or stable/queens.

In addition to this, each ceph-ansible branch needs to be tested against different TripleO branches, so we need to tell Zuul about the branch mapping in each case. By doing so, we can ensure that each ceph-ansible commit is tested against the relevant TripleO branches.

We did this as a two-step process. The first step required additions to the rdo-jobs repository, which is a repository containing the Zuul jobs used in our instance. We added the following to the zuul.d/ceph-ansible.yaml file:

- job:
    name: tripleo-ceph-integration-master
    parent: tripleo-ceph-integration
    # branches makes this job run only for master PR
    branches: master
      # without options, the branch of the PR is used for the required-projects
      - name:
      - name:

- job:
    name: tripleo-ceph-integration-rocky
    parent: tripleo-ceph-integration
    # this job run only for stable-3.2 PR
    branches: stable-3.2
      - name:
        # using override-checkout, we can map ceph-ansible branch to rdo branch
        override-checkout: stable/rocky
      - name:


The key elements here are in the tripleo-ceph-integration-rocky definition:

  • We specify branches: stable-3.2, so this job is only executed when we are testing a change to the stable-3.2 branch of the ceph-ansible repository.
  • For the tripleo-heat-templates repository, we use override-checkout: stable/rocky. This makes Zuul checkout the stable/rocky branch of the project to use it when testing the change.

Effectively, this allows us to map branches from GitHub and OpenStack-hosted repositories, to ensure the required coverage.

The second step was to use these jobs in the review.rdoproject config repository. We changed the definition in zuul.d/projects.yaml to look like the following:

- project:
    name: ceph/ceph-ansible
      - system-required
        - tripleo-ceph-integration-master
        - tripleo-ceph-integration-rocky
        - tripleo-ceph-integration-queens

Once the change was merged, we can see the integration in action in some test pull requests, like this one.

Additional thoughts and next steps

With the basic integration in place and working for different branches, we can now move to the next step, and integrate a complete TripleO-based job. This will allow us to fulfill our initial goal of gating commits to the ceph-ansible project using TripleO jobs. We can see the start of this work on this review.

By using the Zuul integration, we can take advantage of some of its advanced features, like testing cross-project dependencies using the Depends-On keyword, or using Zuul not only to check jobs, but also as a gatekeeper to merge commits all CI jobs are successful.

Finally, during the test phase the Zuul jobs are only triggered when a specially crafted message is added to the GitHub PR as a comment. Once jobs are stable, we will be able to remove this requirement, and trigger jobs for every commit.