Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.


  • We added a feature for logscraper that it should not quit the service when zuul api is not reachable

Software Factory

next sf release (sf-3.8)

  • We bumped zuul version to 7.1.0
  • We updated the sf-ui to adapt to Keycloak
  • We worked on tracking issues with SF-CI to remove flakyness
  • We worked on switching from cauth to keycloak, various fixes along the way to opensearch, grafana, managesf
  • We updated the Landing Page icons for Keycloak and Opensearch Dashboards

SF-operator (sf-4.0)

  • We added Managesf, Hound, GerritBot, Cgit, Postfix and Grafana Operators
  • We started improving roles by adding securityContext or move some containers that were using "root" as a user that later would be easier to move the CI to Openshift