Sprint 2021 May 20 to Jun 09 summary

Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.


  • We investigated using Matrix instead of IRC
  • We investigated a Zuul scheduler issue where the gerrit connection is not restored after a restart
  • We've improved the search pages for builds and buildsets in the UI (autocompletion for some …
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Sprint 2021 Apr 29 to May 19 summary

Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.

Software Factory

  • We started to work on SF 4.0 by validating we can run sf-ci-functional-minimal job using zuul containers from opendev
  • We have fixed logserver display of compressed log files in html format
  • We fixed the provision-demo option …
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Sprint 2021 Mar 18 to Apr 07 summary

Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.


  • We made progress on the zuul-runner implementation, the required server side change is now effective in zuul.opendev.org, the cli and base needs some more work to be fully usable though
  • We fixed a network issue with …
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Sprint 2021 Jan 14 to Feb 3 summary

Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.


  • We fixed issues related to Diskimage builder for bulding RHEL (python3-PyYAML was missing) and Centos/Fedora (get-pip.py) + fbo change for Elasticsearch reporter in Zuul has been merged o/
  • We rebased the zuul-runner changes, some more work is …
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Sprint 2021 Jan 4 to Jan 13 summary

Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.


  • We help community to remove Fedora 31 nodeset
  • We provided a docker-compose to simplify testing the zuul web ui authentication changes [Demo]
  • we provided a fix in zuul for problems introduced by a breaking update of pyjwt introduced …
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