Sprint 2020 May 06 to May 27 summary

Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.


  • We updated zuul-jobs third party CI to get better coverage and added support for fedora-32 CI
  • We discussed with zuul maintainer about zuul-output usage and finally made the tox docs job work on kubectl node
  • We've produced a …
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Sprint 2020 Apr 15 to May 06 summary

Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.


  • We added cert-manager integration to the zuul-operator
  • We reviewed zuul changes about the scheduler HA and container buildset
  • We added new zuul-jobs to validate Haskell based project
  • We discussed about the zuul-images-jobs project [DEMO]

Software Factory

  • keycloak integration …
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Sprint 2020 Mar 26 to Apr 15 summary

Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.


  • We contributed to the zuul-operator by adding nodepool-launcher service, kubernetes integration tests and support for the cert-manager
  • We proposed an improvements in Zuul Pagure driver to:
  • Use the new endpoint webhook/token
  • Use a fixed CI status slot …
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Sprint 2020 Mar 04 to Mar 26 summary

Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.

Software Factory

  • We worked on finding a way to configure gerrit plugins at the project level using the resources engine. Turns out the feature was there all along :) it is now documented.
  • We implemented support for keycloak in the …
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Sprint 2019 Oct 09 to Oct 30 summary

Below are the tasks we worked on during our last sprint.

Regarding our contributions to Zuul and Nodepool:

  • We reviewed the new zuul-registry project.

Regarding Software Factory:

  • We fixed an issue we have with sf-ci jobs on rhel, we adapted our roles to ensure rhel repos are used to install …
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